Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Chick-fil-A’s BrandIndex Drops 40 Percent


According to market research firm YouGov, Chick-fil-A’s BrandIndex score had fallen 40 percent nationally since Dan Cathy told the Baptist Press that his company was “guilty as charged” of funding groups that oppose marriage equality.

On July 16th, the day the Baptist Press published its Dan Cathy interview, Chick-Fil-A's Index score was 65, a very substantial 19 points above the Top National QSR  (Quick Serve Restaurants) Sector average score that day of 46.

Four days later, Chick-Fil-A had fallen to 47 score, three points below the Top National QSR Sector average score of 50. This past Wednesday, Chick-Fil-A had a 39 score compared to the Top National QSR Sector average score of 43.

It is also the first time Chick-Fil-A has sunk below the fast food consumer perception average of the top QSR restaurant chains.