Monday, August 29, 2011

Tea Party gets a black member


Meet Carlton, an African American voice for the Tea Party movement, representing his people and their plight for a more prosperous tomorrow. Growing up in Beverly Hills, Carlton understands what it's like on the streets of Bel Air, the hardships of getting a decent education while staying off of drugs and out of gangs. Carlton would have never asked tax payers to subsidize his school lunches or college education, EVER! Because he's a real American, a patriot whose sacrificed everything to be the man he is today.

Carlton will not stand for Obama and his socialist policies and doesn't believe in giving African Americans a hand out, but a hand up. That's why he'll be appearing at inner-city schools to ask children not to accept Government WELFARE handouts, no free cheese, no food stamps, nothing. To be independent and free from the tyranny of the Obama administration who is doing nothing but holding them back. Look for the Tea Party Express in city near you soon.